
Nicole Newman

Dr. Nicole Newman, Ed.D.


Board Governance Goals/Accomplishments

Raptor - Visitor Security Management

Unification Updates

Message from the Superintendent

Learning by Heart

Situation in Israel and Gaza Strip

Israel and Gaza Strip Situation

Israel and Gaza Strip Situation_Public Safety Notification

Welcome Back 2023-24

Superintendent 2023-24 Welcome_pg 1

Superintendent 2023-24 Welcome Back

Superintendent 2023-24 Welcome Back

Dear WUHSD Family,

I hope everyone had a fabulous holiday, and I know you are all looking forward to 2023! I want to take a moment and, on behalf of myself and the WUHSD Board of Trustees, thank all the voters within the School Facility Improvement District #1 in Plumas Lake for passing Measure P for $16,000,000.

We recognize that our voters have agreed to these taxes with the expectation that the money will be well and carefully spent, and we will meet that expectation. More information will be coming out in January regarding the planning and construction process of the high school, as well as the Bond Oversight Committee that will be established.

We also understand that the bond is an investment in our students' and our community's future. The work that will begin in the coming months will be the beginning of a well-planned high school that will serve the students in Plumas Lake and the community for many years.

Happy Holidays, and we will see you in 2023!

Educationally yours,

Nicole Newman, Superintendent

Wheatland Union High School and Yuba College Partner for CTE Recruiting and Marketing Training

Wheatland Union High School will be partnering with Yuba College for a professional development opportunity called Catapult sponsored by Kevin Fleming, Ph.D., that starts in February. Dr. Fleming is a nationally recognized expert in the world of CTE on the High School and Community College levels. 

“While we believe that Wheatland Union High School District has been succeeding in the area of offering and promoting high-quality CTE programs and has been slowly and successfully overcoming the misconception of what CTE is for several years, I am excited for the opportunity to learn more about how we can continue this path and possibly accelerate our (and student) success. Rather than the traditional view of "College OR Career Readiness,” it is vital that our students and community see the value in "College AND Career Readiness,” said Nicole Newman, Wheatland Union High School District Superintendent. 

The Catapult training will provide us with skills and techniques for marketing our CTE programs to show our community that technical skills are as valuable as Academic Skills for student success and help us evaluate our programs so that we are always offering the highest-quality programming to our students. 

 “CTE education is, amongst other things, about great careers for students and an employable workforce for our community. We have partnered to create clear pathways to help students fill those needs for our employers starting their freshman year at Wheatland Union High School. This training will help us to amplify and continue to expand this work,” said Dr. Tawny Dotson, President of Yuba College. 

The training is limited to 15 institutions. We have partnered with YC to form one institution. An institution can have up to 8 people in its cohort. YC and WUHS will each designate four people to attend the training. Training is monthly via Zoom for five months and is led by different industry experts. After each training, the industry expert will arrange a private meeting with each institution to work on their individual marketing and programming plan. 

Here is the "Why" behind the Catapult Training from Kevin Fleming, PhD and founder of Catapult, LTD: 

America is entangled in a deep love affair with a bachelor's degree. As a result, Career & Technical Education is often viewed as "less than" or the alternative. I am sure many of you have experienced this as well in both large and small ways: 

  • CTE is mired in misconceptions and is stigmatized. 

  • CTE is seen as a route strictly for "those" students or as a second-tier option for students that are not "university-bound." 

  • Programs like Advanced Placement (AP) and AVID are perceived as more important and more valuable than industry credentials and CTE pathways in preparing students for life after commencement.  

  • "Career Readiness" is too frequently defined and measured by "college readiness." (Psst: They are not the same thing!) 

  • Parents are proud to share that their child is going on to a four-year university, but they are timid and hesitant to share that their child is going on to an apprenticeship program or a trade school. 

  • And the list goes on and on 

The biggest challenge for CTE is to change outdated perceptions and reverse long-held stigmas. Research shows that these misconceptions persist in the minds of adults, parents, and educators more than in students themselves. In particular, parents and high school counselors often think of CTE as what it was when they were young (dirty, dead-end, for the academically challenged) and not what it is now: advanced technologies, clean, lucrative, essential, and cutting-edge. 

Dr. Kevin J. Fleming

Author. CEO. Vice President, Norco College

The Catapult Training will begin in February with one training and one personal coaching and planning meeting with each institution through the month of May. Both of our organizations are looking forward to sharing with our community the great thing that we are doing in the areas of Career Technical Education and overall Student Success.

For more information about this contact Carol Keiser, Director of CTE, Innovation & Instructional Technology at

 WUHS and Yuba College Partner for CTE Recruiting and Marketing Training


Social Media Post - August 18, 2021

Last night, the District was made aware of a student’s social media post that mentioned school tomorrow and depicted a picture of a gun.  We treated this social media post as a threat and immediately contacted the Wheatland Police Department.  The Wheatland Police Department conducted a threat assessment and determined that there is no credible threat against the District.

These types of social media posts will always be treated seriously and the District will take appropriate action in response.  The District understands that we have a duty to keep our students in our care safe at all times. We take this responsibility seriously and will act on any conduct that could compromise it. 

Educationally yours,

Nicole Newman, Superintendent

Initial Position on Current Guidance

The Wheatland Union High School District will strongly encourage all students to comply with CDC/CDPH guidance, including use of masks; however, district staff will not be placed in the compromising position of taking enforcement actions. District staff will direct all of its resources toward ensuring every student gets the best mental health services and education possible as well as engaging students with gaps in learning due to COVID disruption and challenges during the past school year. The Wheatland Union High School District will continue to deploy COVID prevention measures and encourage everyone to continue to take public health precautions and follow CDC and CDPH guidelines. Additionally, the district remains committed to advocating for local control on issues of this nature.

July 23, 2021

On behalf of the Board of Trustees,

Welcome to the Wheatland Union High School District!

I am honored to serve this district as Superintendent. Wheatland Union High School District has a long tradition of excellence, with Together, Building a Foundation for Life as our mission. We are committed to our vision of setting high standards for both students and staff, using a collaborative system of support ensuring every student can attain academic excellence. We have established firm goals that build the foundation of success for our students:

GOAL 1 - Wheatland Union High School District students will graduate high school college and career ready.

GOAL 2 - Wheatland Union High School District students will feel a sense of connectedness academically, socially, emotionally, and physically in their schools. 

GOAL 3 - Wheatland Union High School District will engage families and members of the greater school community as educational partners.

We are proud of the successes and recognitions our schools and district have received over the years. Our staff is dedicated to ensuring that they bring their best to our children every day. Our core values are embedded in our culture and visible on a daily basis. We also recognize that this success requires continuous improvement.

Wheatland Union High School District is a great community and our students are the cornerstone of our future. We know that our role in each of our student's lives is important. As parents and community members, you play in integral role in our success. I look forward to our journey together as we continually seek to prepare our students to be the successful leaders of tomorrow and to give back to this great community.

Nicole Newman, Superintendent