Pirate Therapy Center: Mental Health Support: A safe space for healing and Growth

Our Mission

At Wheatland Union High School, the Pirate Therapy Center is dedicated to fostering a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment where every student can thrive emotionally. We are committed to providing comprehensive mental health services that promote well-being, resilience, and personal growth. Through compassionate counseling and collaboration, we aim to empower students to navigate life's challenges, build healthy relationships, and achieve their full potential. Our mission is to ensure that no student feels alone and that every individual has access to the resources and support they need to lead to a fulfilling and balanced life.



National Suicide Hotline Call/Text: 988
Sutter-Yuba 24/7 Crisis Line: (530) 673-TALK (8255)
CalHOPE Warm Line - Free Peer Counseling: (833) 317-HOPE (4673)
The Trevor Project - LGBTQ+ Mental Health Support: (866) 488-7386
Sutter Behavioral Health Psychiatric Emergency Services: (530) 822-7200

Do you or your student need assistance or support?
Get the Request Support Form!


  • Short-Term Individual Therapy

  • Group Therapy

  • Family Therapy

  • EMDR Therapy

  • Crisis Intervention

  • Social-Emotional Support

  • Stress Management Assistance

  • LGBTQ+ Support

  • Wellness Education

  • Referrals to Resources

The Pirate Zen Den

The Zen Den is available for students who need a safe and calming space to relax, refocus, and reset. Here is a video that showcases new advancements towards increasing student support.

Staff & Contact Information

Aleia Van Dyke, LCSW

Director of Community Schools & Mental Health
Foster & Homeless Youth Liaison
(530)633-3100 x225

Emily Coker, LCSW

Assistant Director of Mental Health
(530) 633-3100 x234

Cory O'Neal, LMFT

Prevention & Intervention Specialist
(530)633-3100 x124

Jasmeen Claire

School Psychologist
(530) 633-3100 x227

Danielle De Chavez, AMFT

Mental Health & Wellness Clinician
(530) 633-3100 x239

Understanding your Mental Health: WHEATLAND UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT:  What is it? Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being.  It can affect how we think, feel and act. What impacts it? Stress, Anxiety, Depression                    School, Home, Friends Grief and Loss Alcohol, Weed, Vaping, Drugs.  Behaviors and Symptoms: Sleeping too much or too little Appetite changes + or - Lack of focus or concentration Isolating or disassociating No motivation Self-harm, thoughts of suicide Sad, lonely, depressed, irritated Lack of interest in enjoyable activities Hearing voices, seeing things others don't Smoking or drinking to feel better. What can i do?  Yoga/Meditation/Deep breathing Exercise/Bike riding/Skateboarding/Walk/Sports Find a Hobby/Hang out with friends or family Eat Healthy/Get a sleep routine/ Drink water Talk to a trusted adult/counselor or therapist. Journaling Drawing Play Music Walk a Pet.  Words Matter:  Learn new words to express your emotions: Frustrated, Ignored, Disrespected, Unsure, Confused, Lonely, Struggling, Disappointed, Unappreciated, Melancholy, Exhausted, Disconnected, Antsy, Valuable, Frustrated, Skeptical, Joyful, Optimistic, Empowered.  Tell someone how you feel and what you need.  Call for help:  The trevor Project: Text "Start"  to 678678. tervorchat.org . Call 1-(866) 488-7386.  Harmony Health Wheatland:  1-(530) 483-9040. Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health 24 hour Psychiatric emergency Services ( Crisis Services) 1(530) 673-8255 or toll free 1(888) 923-3800.  National Suicide Crisis hotline:  988 . Find Help at School:  Go to the Zen Den on campus.  Once there, you will find staff to help you take some space, see a counselor or a therapist. Talk to any trusted adult on campus and they can help you find resources.  ZONES OF REGULATION: Green: CALM * HAPPY * READY Enjoy.  Blue: SAD * TIRED * SLUGGISH Reach out for help. Yellow: Frustrated * Wiggly * Silly  Take a walk. Red:  Angry * Crying * Yelling Find a trusted adult .  You are not alone!  AVOID: Ignoring your feelings Hiding your pain or discomfort. Self-medicating with drugs, alcohol, vaping or weed. Isolation  DO ASK FOR HELP.