Student Information

24/25 Yearbook!

To get your yearbook, CLICK THIS LINK, then enter our school's order number: 21578

Schedule Changes

The Guidance Department makes every effort to match student needs with available classes. Schedule change requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis unless there is an error on the student's schedule. Each student has an opportunity to change his/her schedule up to the second week of each semester. Schedule change requests will not be accepted after this date. The Guidance Department will not consider schedule changes for the following  reasons:

  • To be with friends

  • To change teachers

  • Athletics

Scheduling Errors will receive immediate attention by the Guidance Department. The following are considered scheduling errors:

  • Missing course(s) needed for graduation

  • "Blank"/missing a class period

  • "Double up" of courses in the same period (not State Requirements/Computer Literacy or Civics/Econ as examples)

Students have a two-week window to correct their schedules once the school year begins.

Grading - Credit - Honors

Classes are graded A-F, with Office Practice, Teacher's Aide, Library Practice, and Advisory graded pass/fail.

Four report cards per semester. All mid-semester report cards are mailed the week following the end of a nine-week period. Semester report cards and credits will not be issued until ALL fines or fees have been paid. If a student is in danger of failing a subject, parents are notified by a mailed progress report every five weeks.

Grade point averages (GPAs) are calculated on a 4-point system, with the exception of AP classes which are calculated on a 5-point system.

Academic excellence is recognized in two ways: the Principal's Honor List for achievement of 3.5 GPA or above; and the Honor Roll for academic achievement of 3.0 to 3.49. Academic letters are given to students with a 3.5 GPA or above. GPAs for honor rolls and academic letters are based on total weighted GPAs.

Cell Phones

Students may not use cell phones during class unless allowed by the teacher. 

Students may use a telephone located in the front office before and after school and during lunch. Students may not use the office phones or be excused to make phone calls during class time. Messages will be delivered only in emergency situations. Our full cell phone policy can be found on page 11 of the parent-student handbook. 

Internet Access

Filtered and monitored Internet access is available in every WUHS classroom and in the library. To gain access to the vast resources of the Internet, students and their parents must agree to the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy, which are part of the WUHS registration forms. To view the text of the Acceptable Use Policy, please see page 12 of the parent-student handbook.

Work & Extra-Curricular Eligibility

  • Eligibility for a work permit requires a student have a 2.0 minimum GPA with no more than one "F" for the preceding grading period.

  • Eligibility may be revoked at any time for discipline, attendance, or academic performance.

The Work Permit process...
1. Find an employer and apply for a job.
2. Interview with the employer.
3. If hired, you come to the school and get an application for a work permit.
4. You fill out your part of the application, have the employer fill out their part then a parent signs.
5. Return the completed work permit application to the high school.
6. A work permit will be created by the school as long as you have a 2.0 grade point average.
7. Pick up the work permit from school office. Permits will be ready at 3:00pm one day following drop off.
8. Take work permit back to employer.