Pirates at SEA Applications
Pirates at SEA is an Early College Access program that allows students to work on College Credit while in high school. An Informational Parent/Student meeting will take place on Zoom Tuesday, January 31stat 6:00pm. Applications for incoming 10th-12th grades will be taken until February 28th. Applications for incoming 8th Graders will be open until March 31st.
Link to the application is here: https://forms.gle/vAfzPhUPhwj2gfsx9
Link to the Parent/Student Information Zoom Meeting (for current 9th-11th graders) here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83586287708?pwd=cVNOSGM5aXM0OE00S24yWEZ5UmRvQT09
Link to the Parent/Student Information Zoom Meeting, Tuesday, February 28th (for current 8th graders) here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83584414042?pwd=aTZWc0J2dUoxa2ZwMVp6eTVZeTg2QT09
Videos for the informational meetings will be posted the next day for those who may not be able to attend.
For more information, join us on the Zoom meeting or contact the CTEC Center at careers@wheatlandhigh.org