HOC O Spirit week

Get ready to get into your feelings turned INSIDE OUT during this year's Spirit week!

Monday 10/7 - Dream Productions
Wear your PAJAMAS!

Tuesday 10/8 - Friendship Island
Twin with your friends!

Wednesday 10/9 - Hockey Island
Wear your Sports attire!

Thursday 10/10 - Family Island
Freshman Dressed as Babies!
Sophomores Dressed as Toddlers!
Juniors Dressed as Mid-life Crisis!
Seniors Dressed as Senior Citizens!
Staff Dressed as Edgy Teens!

Friday 10/11 - Homecoming! - Class Colors
Freshmen: Purple
Sophomores: Green
Juniors: Red
Seniors: Yellow

Homecoming Parade @ 5 PM
Girls Flag Football @ 6 PM
Varsity Football @ 7:30 PM