WUHS Clubs & Programs
Club/Program Advisor Contact Information
Club/Program | Club Advisor | Club Advisor Email |
Asian American Pacific Islanders (AAPI) | Shawna Hulsey | shulsey@wheatlandhigh.org |
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) | Shawna Hulsey/Justyna Long | shulsey@wheatlandhigh.org / jlong@wheatlandhigh.org |
Culinary Club | Kuulei Moreno | kmoreno@wheatlandhigh.org |
Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) | Stacy Atencio | satencio@wheatlandhigh.org |
Future Farmers of America (FFA) | Melissa Taylor | mtaylor@wheatlandhigh.org |
Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) | Aleia Van Dyke | avandyke@wheatlandhigh.org |
Global Eagles | Julia Kent | jkent@wheatlandhigh.org |
Health Occupations Student Association (HOSA) | Kailia Mize | kmize@wheatlandhigh.org |
Key Club | Aleia Van Dyke/Joyce Willey | avandyke@wheatlandhigh.org / jwilley@wheatlandhigh.org |
Latinos Unidos | Hugo Diaz | hdiaz@wheatlandhigh.org |
LINK Crew | Hugo Diaz | hdiaz@wheatlandhigh.org |
SkillsUSA | Patrick McInnis | pmcinnis@wheatlandhigh.org |
Tutoring Lab | Kokua Herring | kherring@wheatlandhigh.org |
Pirate ASSETS (After School Program) | Amber Crawley | acrawley@wheatlandhigh.org |