Visual & Performing Arts

- Description and Vision -


Digital Art

Game Design I
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE or Fine Arts
Pathway: Game Design & Integration Concentrator
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: The objective of this course is to prepare you to be CAREER AND COLLEGE READY in the emergent industry of Video Game Programming & Development. Everything that we do will help you to accomplish this and enable you to be successful pursuing your career or in higher education. Throughout this year you will build focused skills in the following: • FOUNDATIONS OF GAME DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT • BASIC GAME MECHANICS & USER INTERFACE • DIGITAL ASSET CREATION FOR GAME DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT • HISTORY & EVOLUTION OF VIDEO GAME INDUSTRY • COPYRIGHT AND ETHICS • COMPUTER PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES • DIGITAL GAME STYLES & TRENDS • PITCHING & PRESENTATION STRATEGIES • GRAPHIC ART & ANIMATION • MARKETING & PROMOTION • SOUND MIXING/MASTERING & COMPOSITION • CAREER EXPLORATION

Game Design II
Grade Level: 10 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE or Fine Art
Pathway: Game Design & Integration Capstone
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Game Design I with a grade of “C” or better.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: The objective of this course is to prepare you to be CAREER AND COLLEGE READY in the emergent industry of Video Game Programming & Development. Everything that we do will help you to accomplish this and enable you to be successful pursuing your career or in higher education. Throughout this year you will build focused skills in the following:


Film & TV: Video Production I
Grade Level: 10 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Arts/CTE
Pathway: Design Media & Visual Arts/Video Production Concentrator B
Pre-requisites: Pirate Focus; Strong Typing/Technology Skills, Digital Design & Viral Video VP I
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation/Dual Enrollment: Articulation with YCC MCOMM-4 and MCOMM-5 Pending
Description: Fall: This course will provide students with an introduction to camera operation, cinematography & lighting, sound engineering, editing, live streaming, distribution and pitching concepts to studios. This course will also cover the evolution of digital media in America, techniques and methods for quality media production, as well as working with clients/community members. Students will also learn how to create professional materials to support television and film production. Spring: This course will provide students with intermediate skills in camera operation, cinematography & lighting, sound engineering, editing, animation, visual effects and career exploration in the film and television industries. This course will also directing and producing styles, techniques and methods for quality media production. Students will also learn how to create professional materials, efficiently engage film festivals, plus much more.

Pirate NEWS: Video Production II
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Arts/CTE
Pathway: Design Media & Visual Arts/Video Production Capstone
Pre-requisites: Pirate Focus; Strong Typing/Technology Skills, Digital Design & Viral Video VP I and Film & TV VPII
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation/Dual Enrollment: Articulation with YCC MCOMM-14 and MCOMM-17 Pending
Description: Will be available for the 2024-2025 School Year. (From the Yuba College Catalog) MCOMM-14: Advanced technical operation and creative use of television studio equipment. Techniques of production, use of cameras, lighting, sound, titling, video, recording, and video switching effects. MCOMM-17: Advanced creative use of electronic field video production while using multiple cameras to produce live or archived television events, such as, sporting events, theatrical and musical productions, and entertainment or informational programs.

Digital Photography I
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Arts
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation/Dual Enrollment: Articulation with YCC ART-36A Pending
Description: Digital Photography is a yearlong course that focuses on understanding the basic operations and functions of a digital single lens reflex camera and the manipulation of its setting to achieve a specific result. Students will learn about photographic elements of art and principles of design, composition, and lighting. they will explore the history of photography, learning about its scientific and technological developments, important innovators in the field, and relevance within diverse cultural contexts. Students will write and speak about aesthetic, technical and expressive qualities in a photograph, learning to critique their own and others work. Student learn image techniques and digital manipulation using photography editing software, teaching them how to archive, organize and optimize their photographs for print or web purposes. Students will learn how to manage and creatively alter digital images as well as critically analyze the use of visual media as a means of communication in our society today.

Digital Photography II
Grade Level: 10 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Arts
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Digital Photography I with a grade of “C” or better.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation/Dual Enrollment: Articulation with YCC ART-36B Pending
Description: Advanced Digital Photography is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art photography. At the end of the term, students will submit a portfolio for peer and teacher review. In building the portfolio, students experience a variety of concepts, techniques, and approaches designed to help them demonstrate their abilities as well as their versatility with techniques, problem solving, and ideation. The portfolio is developed within a concentration that investigates an idea of personal interest for each individual student. Students will be introduced to new photographers, digital artists, artists, and more sophisticated techniques as points of departure to create work that reflects that individual student's spirit and vision. By exploring photographic and digital media with the camera and computer, students will be able to develop a body of work that reflects a range of problem solving and ideation, and develops versatility with techniques to demonstrate their abilities. Students will research, keep art journals, have class critiques, individual critiques, and artistic dialogues that will inspire them as they create.

Physical Art

Art I
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Art
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This is a basic course recommended for all students interested in art. Students will learn design principles by working with the elements of design, line, value, color, shape, texture and depth. They will explore the various techniques and media of drawing and painting. Each individual will be encouraged to develop creativity and the understanding of what art means to him/her.

Advanced Art
Grade Level: 10 - 12UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Art
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Art I-P with a grade of “C” or better.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course is designed to develop the student’s individual skills in art. Students explore and develop a deeper understanding of the principles and elements of design, color and self-expression through a variety of mediums. Students will have the opportunity to show their drawings, paintings, printmaking and/or collages in the school’s art gallery.

Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Art
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation/Dual Enrollment: Articulation with YCC ART-12A Pending
Description: Students are encouraged to explore creating with clay. Learn basic hand building techniques using pinching, slab, coil, and mold methods to make fun and functional items like boxes, vases, or cups. Or stretch your imagination and learn to make free form shapes and animals using a variety of tools, textures and glazes.

Advanced Ceramics
Grade Level: 10 - 12UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0 Graduation Requirement: Fine Art
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Ceramics-P with a grade of “C” or better.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation/Dual Enrollment: Articulation with YCC ART-12B Pending
Description: This course is designed for students with previous experience in clay who wish to fine-tune their hand building techniques. Also, wheel throwing will cover wedging, center, pulling, trimming, use of tools and glazing, and surface techniques. Basic forms such as cups and small bowls will be taught. Students with previous throwing experience will be shown to throw larger, taller and more difficult forms.

The Art and History of Floral Design
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE or Fine Arts
Pathway: AG Ornamental Horticulture Concentrator
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This class is an introduction to artistic and creative perception including aesthetic valuing through a series of projects in various media including tempera, pencil, flowers, tile, and a variety of papers. Students are also introduced to the elements and principles of visual art design such as line, shape/form, color, balance, and emphasis using a series of floral-based projects to explore the connections, relations, and application to visual arts design. Students will research and study floral trends to understand and develop an appreciation for floral design within historical and cultural, formal and casual, ceremonial and traditional, including an understanding that floral designs are affected by society, culture, history, politics, and economic influence. Various assignments based on abstract two and three dimensional designs, historical culture and theory, color theory, and analytical critiques of various floral art works using design vocabulary in conjunction with development of technical skills in floral art will serve as a foundation for more complex works such as multi-part floral designs and creative expression through wedding consultations.

Advanced Floral Design
Grade Level: 10 - 12
UC/CSU: English (“F or G”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE or Fine Arts
Pathway: AG Ornamental Horticulture Capstone
Pre-requisites: Student must have passed The Art and History of Floral Design with a “C” or better
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course allows students to learn professional florist skills for employment in the floral field. Students will explore the floriculture industry on a more technical and advanced level including the proper care and handling of flowers, plants, and foliage; evaluate floral materials and arrangements; utilize floral tools, supplies and products to apply design principles to floral medium; construct arrangements for all occasions; display, price, and market floral designs; and preserve floral materials as students run their own floral shop. The art elements and principles of design will serve as a foundation for each unit covered. After completion of this class, students will be prepared to secure a job in the floral industry. Students will be exposed to careers in Agriculture Business. Students will automatically become members of FFA and participation in FFA activities and supervised agricultural experience programs will be a graded component of the course.

Culinary 1
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Elective/CTE
Pathway: Food Service & Hospitality Concentrator
Pre-requisites: 1 year of successful completion of Culinary 1 with a “C” or better
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College CUL 51A
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course covers the history of the culinary profession, explores the numerous avenues of opportunity, and studies the advantages of continuing education in the field. It also covers the backgrounds and approaches of successful chefs and restaurateurs. Field trips are required and provide exposure to different types of kitchens, industry food shows, and/or markets. The course also covers all phases of food sanitation, including the cause, control and investigation of illness related to food contamination. Sanitary practices in food preparation; proper dish washing procedures sanitation of kitchen, dining room, and all equipment; cleaning materials and procedures and garbage and refuse disposal. This course includes general safety precautions, maintenance, and operation of appropriate food service equipment, along with elements of kitchen planning and types of equipment used. Successful completion of this course results in ServeSafe certification.

Culinary 2
Grade Level: 10 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE or Fine Art
Pathway: Food Service & Hospitality Capstone
Pre-requisites: 1 year of successful completion of Culinary 1 with a “C” or better
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College CUL 51B
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: Introductory course that will prepare students to enter the Foodservice and Hospitality pathway. The course is designed to give students classroom instruction and applied practice in kitchen safety and sanitation, food preparation techniques, nutrition, and cuisine of the world. Students will develop skills through the uses of authentic application of industry standards. The course will prepare students for entry-level positions common to the catering industry. The course builds on the successful completion of the foundation culinary arts courses and is designed to give students classroom instruction and applied practice in planning, preparing, and serving catered events, effectively managing a beverage service facility and developing a passion for the hospitality industry. Students will develop skills through the use of authentic application of industry standards.

Performing Art

Drama Performance
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Art
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: Students will learn various acting techniques including voice, movement, character studies, make-up and critique. Students will also learn about and create puppets and do research on theatre.

Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Art
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: Chorus is a repeatable class open to all students. the course is designed for singers of all levels, beginners, intermediate and advanced. In this class, students will work together to sing choral repertoire including spiritual, classical, and popular songs. Outside performances are required for this course..

Drum Line
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Elective
Pre-requisites: Audition and completion of one semester of Concern Band or equivalent class experience.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: The Drum Line is designed for intermediate and advanced percussion students. In the fall semester, Drum Line plays traditional drum line instruments including marching snares and bass drums as well as quad drums. Drum Line accompanies marching band during all football games and outside events and is the heartbeat of our band. During the Spring semester, Drum Line transitions into percussion ensemble playing classical and popular music. Outside performances are required for this course.

MUSIC 36A - Intro to Guitar
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement- pending
Credits: 10.0 Graduation
Requirement: Elective/CTE
Pathway: Performing Arts Concentrator
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: DE/Articulation with Yuba College MUSIC 36A Pending
Description: This course is designed for the beginner musician wanting to learn how to play the guitar. In this class students will learn how to read sheet music and chord charts while learning how to strum chords to popular music. There is now previous musical experience required. Outside performances are required for this course.

MUSIC 36B - Intermediate Guitar
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement- pending
Credits: 10.0 Graduation Requirement: Elective/CTE
Pathway: Performing Arts Capstone
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: DE/Articulation with Yuba College MUSIC 36B Pending
Description: This course is designed for students that have taken Guitar 1 OR have a basic understanding of how to play the guitar including how to read music, playing open chords, and playing melodies and riffs. Outside performances are required for this course.

MUSIC 36C - Advanced Guitar
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement- pending
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Elective/CTE
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: DE/Articulation with Yuba College MUSIC 36C Pending
Description: Students will continue to learn and gain an understanding of the guitar and its repertoire. Students will continue to learn and explore jazz standards, rock, and popular music. Student will continue to develop their understanding of harmonic language in a context beyond the average pop song. Students will be reading standard notation in a classical context utilizing the guitar as a polyphonic instrument. Students will be introduced to advanced guitar techniques such as finger picking and how to play chord melody. Students will be given an opportunity to play guitar as an ensemble with multiple independent parts. To enroll in this course, students must demonstrate an understanding of open, barre, dominant 7th, and minor 7th voicings. Students must also have an understanding of open chords as well as an understanding of basic and intermediate strumming patters.

Marching/Symphonic Band
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Art
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Descriptions: The Marching/Symphonic Band is designed for intermediate and advanced musicians that have experience playing traditional band instruments. freshmen are expected to have prior band experience in middle school. In the fall, students are active in learning pep band music, participating in after school marching rehearsals, and suiting up in uniform for home football games and parades, In the spring semester, students transition into concert season playing traditional and popular band repertoire. Outside performances are a requirement for this course.
