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Varsity Tutor is apart of Clever. All you have to do is click the the link, login with your Student email (#####@edu.wheatlandhigh.org) and click on Varsity Tutors!
Included with Varsity Tutors is:
24/7 On-Demand Chat Tutoring
live Group Classes
On-Demand Essay Review
Celebrity-Led StarCourse Classes
Self-Study& Practice Problems
College & Career Readiness
Enrichment Classes
Adaptive Assessments & Personalized Learning Plans
FREE tutoring and resources for anyone in California!
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HelpNow On-Demand Live Tutoring - 24/7, 363 days per year!
Drop-off Writing Lab - feedback on a draft within 24 hours
Skill Surfer - library of lessons, resources, videos, and practice tests
Question Lab - submit a question to a dropbox and receive a response within 24 hours
LEAP - Diagnostic testing center for 3-11 grade level, SAT, ACT, GED, and other tests that build customized study plans, lessons and live tutoring!