Tutoring Lab

Located at P7 and P9
7:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday - Friday

Get Tutoring Help with our Partners!

What is Varsity Tutors?

Varsity Tutor is apart of Clever. All you have to do is click the the link, login with your Student email (#####@edu.wheatlandhigh.org) and click on Varsity Tutors!

Included with Varsity Tutors is:

  • 24/7 On-Demand Chat Tutoring

  • live Group Classes

  • On-Demand Essay Review

  • Celebrity-Led StarCourse Classes

  • Self-Study& Practice Problems

  • College & Career Readiness

  • Enrichment Classes

  • Adaptive Assessments & Personalized Learning Plans

FREE tutoring and resources for anyone in California!
Powered by BrainFuse!
HelpNow On-Demand Live Tutoring - 24/7, 363 days per year!
Drop-off Writing Lab - feedback on a draft within 24 hours
Skill Surfer - library of lessons, resources, videos, and practice tests
Question Lab - submit a question to a dropbox and receive a response within 24 hours
LEAP - Diagnostic testing center for 3-11 grade level, SAT, ACT, GED, and other tests that build customized study plans, lessons and live tutoring!