- Description and Vision -
Integrated Math
Integrated Math I
Grade Level: 9-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: During the Integrated Math I course instructional time will focus on six critical areas: (1) Extend understanding of numerical manipulation to algebraic manipulation; (2) Synthesize understanding of function; (3) Deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships; (4) Apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; (5) Establish criteria for congruence based on rigid motions; and (6) Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to the coordinate plane
Integrated Math IA
Grade Level: 9-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course satisfies the California Common Core Standards for Integrated 1. Integrated 1A is part 1 of a 2 year course sequence to meet Integrated 1 standards and is open to all ninth graders. Integrated Math 1A builds and strengthens students’ conceptual knowledge of equations, inequalities and functions, systems of equations, exponential and radical functions, data analysis and tools of geometry.
Integrated Math IB
Grade Level: 9-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math
Pre-requisites: Successfully completed Integrated Math 1A with a “C” or better.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: During the Integrated Math I course instructional time will focus on six critical areas: (1) Extend understanding of numerical manipulation to algebraic manipulation; (2) Synthesize understanding of function; (3) Deepen and extend understanding of linear relationships; (4) Apply linear models to data that exhibit a linear trend; (5) Establish criteria for congruence based on rigid motions; and (6) Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to the coordinate plane.
Integrated Math II
Grade Level: 9-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math Pre-requisites: Pass each semester of Integrated Math I with a grade of “D” or higher.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: Integrated Math II is the second course of a three-course sequence including Integrated Math I, Integrated Math II, and Integrated Math III. This course satisfies the California Common Core Standards for Integrated Math II and is intended for all 10th graders. Integrated Math II builds and strengthens students’ conceptual knowledge and comparing of quadratic expressions, equations, and functions to the characteristics and behaviors of linear and exponential relationships from Integrated Math I.
Integrated Math III
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math
Pre-requisites: Pass each semester of Integrated Math II with a grade of “D” or higher.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: Integrated Math III is the third course in the three-course sequence of Integrated Math I, II and III. In Integrated Math III students pull together the concepts they learned in Integrated Math I and II. Integrated III will focus on four critical areas: (1) apply methods from probability and statistics to draw inferences and conclusions from data; (2) expand understanding of functions to include polynomial, rational, and radical functions; (3) expand right triangle trigonometry to include general triangles; and (4) consolidate functions and geometry to create models and solve contextual problems.
Advanced Courses
AP Calculus AB
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math
Pre-requisites: Student must successfully pass Pre-Calculus with a grade of “B” or better (or a “C” with Pre-Calculus teacher recommendation) and teacher recommendation. Student also needs to complete the summer homework packet which is due the first day of class.
Grading Scale: 5.0
AP Calculus BC
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math Pre-requisites: Student must successfully pass Pre-Calculus with a grade of “B” or better (or a “C” with Pre-Calculus teacher recommendation) and teacher recommendation. Student also needs to complete the summer homework packet which is due the first day of class.
Grading Scale: 5.0
Trig/Pre-Calculus - P
Grade Level: 11-12
UC/CSU: Mathematics (“C”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Math
Pre-requisites: Student must successfully pass Integrated Math II with a grade of “B” or better or recommendation from Integrated II teacher.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: Pre-Calculus is a one-year course designed for college prep students who will learn the knowledge and skills necessary for a first-year college calculus course. Students will work on being proficient in the following areas: the fundamentals of college-level algebra, geometric and algebraic interpretations of functions, inverse functions, linear and quadratic inequalities, rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions/applications, and trigonometric functions and their properties. They will also be introduced to limits.
College Courses
DE Stat 1 - Introduction to Statistical Methods
Grades: 11, 12
Graduation Requirement: Will meet the 3rd Year Math Requirement
10 Units: 5.0 for Graduation; 4 units for Yuba Community College
UC/CSU: Transferable units from Yuba Community College
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Dual Enrollment
Board Approved: Pending
Grading Scale: 5.0
Description: (as per Yuba College Catalog) The use of probability techniques, hypothesis testing, and predictive techniques to facilitate decision-making. Topics include descriptive statistics; probability and sampling distributions; statistical inference; correlation and linear regression; analysis of variance, chi-square and t-tests; and application of technology for statistical analysis including the interpretation of the relevance of the statistical findings. Applications using data from disciplines including business, social sciences, psychology, life science, health science, and education.