Resource & Calendar Page

Calendar of Events
This Calendar of Events includes dates of Professional Development Training opportunities (both Virtual and In-Person), due dates of different reports, and other events that may be of interest to those in CTE and Dual Enrollment circles. If you have any questions, Contact Us!
Resources for Success
Below is a list of resources sorted by the outcomes that they support.
Action Plan Resources:
You have been asked to complete an Action Plan and submit to the Capitol Region RTAC by February 28. Please email if you need a copy of the Action Plan Template.
Please complete the following Assessments by February 28:
OPTIONAL Resources include:
Creating Effective Action Plans Video (to accompany Descriptions of Practice Workbook) Watch this video as a team or on your own to guide to you through the Action Planning process. Download a copy of one of the workbooks below. There is an option for a Brief Version or a Full Version. This can be used year after year as you grow through the life of the GSPP grant.
Action Plan Description of Practice BRIEF Workbook
Action Plan Description of Practice FULL Workbook
Article: Welcome to GSPP Onboarding
Article: The Nine GSPP Outcomes and Levels of Integration
Article: Laying the Foundation: Effective Strategies for GSPP Planning Grants
What is the purpose of the Technical Assistance Center?
The Regional Technical Assistance Centers are a comprehensive support system for applicants and grantees, offering guidance, communication, training, and resources to effectively implement GSPP-funded programs. Our mission is to help sites achieve the 9 Outcomes of the GSPP grant by utilizing data-driven best practices in Career Technical Education and Dual Enrollment, ultimately enhancing student success and promoting Career and College Readiness.
The Capitol Region TAC covers Alpine, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Sierra, Solano, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties. TAC Providers, Carol Keiser and Dr. Celeste Boggs can be reached at
Request a one-on-one
Zoom Consultation Meeting Here
What is GSPP?
From the Golden State Pathways Program Page at the California Department of Education ...
The purpose of the Golden State Pathways Program (GSPP) is to provide local educational agencies (LEAs) with the resources to promote pathways in high-wage, high-skill, high-growth areas, including technology, health care, education, and climate-related fields that, among other things, allow pupils to advance seamlessly from high school to college and career and provide the workforce needed for economic growth.
The Golden State Pathways Program is hereby established to do all of the following:
Promote pathways in high-wage, high-skill, high-growth areas, including, but not limited to, technology, health care, education, including early education and child development, and climate-related fields that allow pupils to advance seamlessly from high school to college and career and, provide the workforce needed for economic growth.
Encourage collaboration between LEAs, institutions of higher education, local and regional employers, and other relevant community interest holders to develop, or expand the availability of, innovative college and career pathways that simultaneously align with an LEA’s local or regional labor market needs.
Enable more pupils to access postsecondary education opportunities and workforce training opportunities, or to obtain gainful employment in an industry that simultaneously aligns with local, regional, or state labor market needs.
Support the continued development of a skilled and educated workforce, with an emphasis on addressing areas of acute statewide need, such as developing a diverse workforce to meet the need for professional and learning support positions in childcare settings, preschools, and schools maintaining prekindergarten, kindergarten, or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive.
In 2022, the California legislature passed the Golden State Pathways Program Grant Act (California Education Code 53020–53025) .
GSPP Capitol Region Technical Assistance Center
Located at Wheatland Union High School District, 1010 Wheatland Rd., Wheatland, CA 95692
Dr. Celeste Boggs
Co- Executive Director GSPP Capitol RTAC
530-633-3100 x191
Cell: 916-740-9125
Carol Keiser
Co- Executive Director GSPP Capitol RTAC
530-633-3100 x121
Cell: 530-701-7654