CTE Education

This pathway has three courses that are all articulated for college credit with the Early Childhood Education program at Yuba Community College. Students who are interested in a teaching career in all grade levels will benefit from these courses with include: Early Childhood Development (up to age 20+), Principles and Practices of Teaching, and Observation and Assessment.
Pirate Focus
Grade Level: 9
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: GFSF
Pre-requisites: None.
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College (COUNS 25)
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: A comprehensive career and life planning course. Students complete the course with a 10 Year Plan for success, a Skills-Based Education Plan, the beginning of a Professional Portfolio, and a sense of relevance for their high school courses. In the context of a study of the changes that occur during a typical life span, each student will construct a personal profile of current and projected interests, aptitudes, skills, values, personality, and life and personal circumstances.
Growth & Development of Children
Grade Level: 9 – 12
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement pending
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE
Pre-requisites: Pirate Focus (can be taken concurrently)
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College (ECE 3)
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course examines the major physical, psychosocial, and cognitive/language developmental milestones for children, both typical and atypical, from conception through adolescence. There will be an emphasis on interactions between maturational processes and environmental factors. While studying developmental theory and investigative research methodologies, students will observe children, evaluate individual differences and analyze characteristics of development at various stages. Designed as a foundation course for careers in ECE, Education, Human Services, Health, and related fields.
Capstone Course
Principles & Practices of Teaching
Grade Level: 10 – 12
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement pending
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE
Pre-requisites: Pirate Focus AND Growth & Development (could be concurrent with Growth & Development)
Graduation Requirement: CTE
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College (ECE 1A/1B) Pending
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: An examination of the underlying theoretical principles of developmentally appropriate practices applied to programs, environments, emphasizing the key role of relationships, constructive adult-child interactions, and teaching strategies in supporting physical, social, creative, and intellectual development for all children. This course includes a review of the historical roots of educational programs and the evolution of the professional practices promoting advocacy, ethics, and professional identity. This course presents an overview of knowledge and skills related to providing appropriate curriculum and environments for children. Students will examine the teacher's role in supporting the development and fostering the joy of learning for all children using observation and assessment strategies. An overview of content areas will include but not be limited to Language and literacy, social and emotional learning, sensory learning, art and creativity, math, and science. Students can choose Principles & Practices of Teaching or Observation & Teaching Field Experience for Capstone offered alternating years.
Capstone Course
Observation & Teaching Field Experience
Grade Level: 11 – 12
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement pending
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: CTE
Pre-requisites: Pirate Focus AND Growth & Development (could be concurrent with Growth & Development)
Graduation Requirement: CTE
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College (ECE 1A/1B) Pending
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course focuses on the appropriate use of assessment and observation strategies to document development, growth, play, and learning to join with families and professionals in promoting children’s success. Recording strategies, rating systems, portfolios, and multiple assessment tools are explored. Child observations will be conducted and analyzed.
Additional Course
Inclusive Peer Mentoring (recommended for Work Based Learning Opportunity)
Grade Level: 9 – 12
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement pending
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Elective
Pathway: Education Recommended Course for Work Based Learning
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: Students will learn about inclusive education, equity for all students, and strategies to support peer buddies and work directly with special and general education peers with unique needs. This course will provide students with an understanding of exceptionality and equip them with strategies to effectively mentor peers with unique needs. Students will gain understanding of equitable supports for students with varied abilities, accommodations and modifications necessary to allow all students access opportunities to be successful in a variety of education settings aiming toward the least restrictive environment. Students will facilitate learning and relationship building with peers in the classroom/school environment. Students will receive instruction on working with students and then will be partnered with a “buddy” who they can assist in mainstream class setting and coursework. This is a Work Based Learning course designed for students who are considering pursuing a career in education or social work settings.
Additional Course
Skills USA Leadership
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Credits: 2.0
Graduation Requirement: N/A
Pre-requisites: Skills USA Membership
NOTE: This course is a 0-Period 1-2 days per week
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: N/A Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course is designed to promote and develop leadership in the Arts Media & Visual Design Industry. Through the planning and execution of numerous events for the school's Skills USA chapter, students will discover how best effect change in their communities. Students will read about the nature of leadership and its different styles in business. Students will complete Work-Based Learning projects to achieve award status in Skills USA in Regional, State and National levels
Skills USA - Students enrolled in the Digital Photography Pathway, are eligible to participate in this Career Technical Student Organization that is recognized by industries across the nation as a way for student to gain employable skills and develop into great leaders. More information can be from CTE/C Center, or by emailing careers@wheatlandhigh.org. Students involved in SkillsUSA Leadership that participate in the Live Video Production Broadcasts can receive College Credit for MCOMM 17, Remote TV Production, offered at Yuba Community College
Ashley Freeman -pic needed
Roy Bagley - pic needed -