Digital Photography

- Description -



Pirate Focus
Grade Level: 9
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: GFSF
Pre-requisites: None.
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College (COUNS 25)
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: A comprehensive career and life planning course. Students complete the course with a 10 Year Plan for success, a Skills-Based Education Plan, the beginning of a Professional Portfolio, and a sense of relevance for their high school courses. In the context of a study of the changes that occur during a typical life span, each student will construct a personal profile of current and projected interests, aptitudes, skills, values, personality, and life and personal circumstances.


Digital Photography I
Grade Level: 9 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Arts
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation with YCC ART-36A

Digital Photography I is a yearlong course that focuses on understanding the basic operations and functions of a digital single lens reflex camera and the manipulation of its setting to achieve a specific result. Students will learn about photographic elements of art and principles of design, composition, and lighting. they will explore the history of photography, learning about its scientific and technological developments, important innovators in the field, and relevance within diverse cultural contexts. Students will write and speak about aesthetic, technical and expressive qualities in a photograph, learning to critique their own and others work. Student learn image techniques and digital manipulation using photography editing software, teaching them how to archive, organize and optimize their photographs for print or web purposes. Students will learn how to manage and creatively alter digital images as well as critically analyze the use of visual media as a means of communication in our society today.


Digital Photography II
Grade Level: 10 - 12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Fine Arts
Pre-requisites: Successful completion of Digital Photography I with a grade of “C” or better.
Grading Scale: 4.0
Articulation with YCC ART-36B

Advanced Digital Photography is designed for students who are seriously interested in the practical experience of art photography. At the end of the term, students will submit a portfolio for peer and teacher review. In building the portfolio, students experience a variety of concepts, techniques, and approaches designed to help them demonstrate their abilities as well as their versatility with techniques, problem solving, and ideation. The portfolio is developed within a concentration that investigates an idea of personal interest for each individual student. Students will be introduced to new photographers, digital artists, artists, and more sophisticated techniques as points of departure to create work that reflects that individual student's spirit and vision. By exploring photographic and digital media with the camera and computer, students will be able to develop a body of work that reflects a range of problem solving and ideation, and develops versatility with techniques to demonstrate their abilities. Students will research, keep art journals, have class critiques, individual critiques, and artistic dialogues that will inspire them as they create.

Additional Course

Skills USA Leadership
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Credits: 2.0
Graduation Requirement: N/A
Pre-requisites: Skills USA Membership
NOTE: This course is a 0-Period 1-2 days per week
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: N/A Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course is designed to promote and develop leadership in the Arts Media & Visual Design Industry. Through the planning and execution of numerous events for the school's Skills USA chapter, students will discover how best effect change in their communities. Students will read about the nature of leadership and its different styles in business. Students will complete Work-Based Learning projects to achieve award status in Skills USA in Regional, State and National levels

Skills USA - Students enrolled in the Digital Photography Pathway, are eligible to participate in this Career Technical Student Organization that is recognized by industries across the nation as a way for student to gain employable skills and develop into great leaders. More information can be from CTE/C Center, or by emailing Students involved in SkillsUSA Leadership that participate in the Live Video Production Broadcasts can receive College Credit for MCOMM 17, Remote TV Production, offered at Yuba Community College

Additional Course

21st Century Yearbook Design Publication
Grade Level: 10-12
UC/CSU: VAPA (“F”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: Elective
Pre-requisites: Interview by Editorial Committee
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: This course is designed to produce an annual record of events that occurred during the entire school year. The functions of a class member include ad sales, publication terminology, yearbook sales, layout design, photography, interview techniques, story reporting, story writing, editing for content, editing for type font, and proofreading copy. Also required are input into cover and theme development, index log updates, extensive interaction with the public, and ability to work in a group. This course will fulfill one year of elective credits toward high school graduation.


Garret White

Ryan Kent