Auto Vehicle Systems Diagnostics & Repair
These classes are taught by instructors who have industry experience. Students can earn college credit towards the Concentrator and Capstone classes. Those two classes count towards the ASE Certification program with Yuba, making it a smooth transition into their Auto Technician program.
Pirate Focus
Grade Level: 9
UC/CSU: Elective (“G”) requirement
Credits: 10.0
Graduation Requirement: GFSF
Pre-requisites: None.
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Articulation with Yuba College (COUNS 25)
Grading Scale: 4.0
Description: A comprehensive career and life planning course. Students complete the course with a 10 Year Plan for success, a Skills-Based Education Plan, the beginning of a Professional Portfolio, and a sense of relevance for their high school courses. In the context of a study of the changes that occur during a typical life span, each student will construct a personal profile of current and projected interests, aptitudes, skills, values, personality, and life and personal circumstances.
Automotive Exploration (3053)
Grades: 9-12
Prerequisites: None
CTE Pathway: Stand-Alone Class … non-pathway - Systems Diagnostics, Service & Repair CalPADS: 8520
Graduation Requirement: CTE/Electives
Units: 10.0 HS Credit
UC/CSU: None
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: None
Board Approved: Pending Grading
Scale: 4.0
Description: In this high school Automotive Technology course, students dive into the dynamic world of automobiles, gaining hands-on experience and theoretical knowledge that forms the backbone of the automotive industry. From understanding the basics of engine systems and diagnostics to mastering the art of vehicle maintenance, this class empowers students with the skills essential for both aspiring mechanics and everyday car enthusiasts. Through a blend of classroom instruction, interactive lab sessions, and real-world projects, students will develop a comprehensive understanding of automotive systems, electrical components, and modern technologies shaping the future of transportation. Whether students dream of fi ne-tuning classic cars or envision themselves at the forefront of automotive innovation, this course lays the foundation for a lifelong journey in the exciting realm of automotive technology. This is a great introduction course for students considering taking our DE Automotive Technology & Electric Vehicles Pathway
DE Automotive Technology I (3054)
Grade Level: 11, 12 (10th with teacher/counselor recommendations)
Credits: 6 College Units
Credits: 5.0 and 5.0 for High School
Graduation Requirement: CTE
Pre-requisites: None
Grading Scale: 5.0
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Dual enrolled with Yuba College (AUTO 21/AUTO 51.2)
Description: First Semester is a general introduction to Automotive Repair and tools. Second Semester is a DE course with Yuba College’s AUTO51.2. This course covers basic automotive technical skills used by all automotive service and repair technicians. Emphasis is placed on tool selection, use and maintenance of tools, practical measuring skills, bolt and nut thread repair techniques, electrical circuit meter usage and problem solving techniques. Auto 51.2 - Automotive Technical Skills (SPRING 2024):This course covers basic automotive technical skills used by all automotive service and repair technicians. Emphasis is placed on tool selection, use and maintenance of tools, practical measuring skills, bolt and nut thread repair techniques, electrical circuit meter usage and problem solving techniques.
DE Automotive Technology II (3055)
Grade Level: 11, 12 (10th with teacher/counselor recommendations)
Credits: 6
College Units Credits: 5.0 and 5.0 for High School
Graduation Requirement: CTE Pathway: Systems Diagnostics, Service & Repair
Pre-requisites: DE Automotive Technology I
Grading Scale: 5.0
Dual Enrollment/Articulation: Dual enrolled with Yuba College
Description: First Semester is the YCC AUTO-21 course: This course covers a comprehensive study of automobiles. Emphasis is placed on fundamental operating principles, nomenclature, structural analysis, major design theories, systems function, systems service, minor repair procedures, major repair complexities, current laws and regulations, political action, and personal economics/decision making. Second Semester students explore and build an electric street-ready Switch vehicle using Industry standard battery and tools. The capstone project of this class will be to build an electric , street ready, Switch Vehicle! Auto 21 - Intro to Automobiles: This course covers a comprehensive study of automobiles. Emphasis is placed on fundamental operating principles, nomenclature, structural analysis, major design theories, systems function, systems service, minor repair procedures, major repair complexities, current laws and regulations, political action, and personal economics/ decision making.
Additional Course
Skills USA Leadership (3046)
Grade Level: 9 – 12
Credits: 2.0
Graduation Requirement: N/A
Pre-requisites: Skills USA Membership
NOTE: This course is a 0-Period 1-2 days per week Dual Enrollment/Articulation: N/A Grading Scale: 4.0 Description: This course is designed to promote and develop leadership in the Arts Media & Visual Design Industry. Through the planning and execution of numerous events for the school's Skills USA chapter, students will discover how best effect change in their communities. Students will read about the nature of leadership and its different styles in business. Students will complete Work-Based Learning projects to achieve award status in Skills USA in Regional, State and National levels.
Skills USA - Students enrolled in the Game Design & Integration Pathway, are eligible to participate in this Career Technical Student Organization that is recognized by industries across the nation as a way for student to gain employable skills and develop into great leaders. More information can be from CTE/C Center, or by emailing